I dare you to participate in this great venture! Please donate, sponsor a project, volunteer time and become a member. The Whale Coast Conservation – Non Profit Organisation – is very close to our hearts at Nosy Rosy. They do amazing work and inspire us all to consider how our lives impact on our environment and future. It is fun to participate and become more aware!
Click here to read their latest newsletter. Check out their shop!
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Whale Coast Conservation passionately lives by its slogan “Caring for your environment”.
Its small staff and volunteers are dedicated to
- raising community and visitor awareness of the unique, bio-diverse natural resources of the Cape Whale Coast region and
- to projects that convert awareness into practical actions that lead towards living sustainability.
WCC ensures expert representation in public participation processes that contribute to environmental and developmental policies and legislation. We monitor regional development; and ensure compliance with legislation and guidelines.
Public awareness
WCC increases general public awareness of sustainability through environmental education, citizen-science research projects, community projects and campaigns.
WCC communicates with its audience through exhibitions, signage, technology demonstrations, workshops, talks, film shows, newsletters and articles.
WCC places emphasis on educating future generations through its Youth Environment Program (YEP). YEP is offered to 24 schools in its target area with a total of over 10,000 learners.
WCC facilitates schools’ participation in special events such as Earth Day, Walking for Water, Arbor Day and Coastal Clean-ups.
WCC facilitates educator development programs to improve the capacity of educators to offer informed environmental content in their lessons across all learning streams.
- WCC introduces adults and children to nature and the scientific method through its citizen science projects. Present projects monitor frogs as indicators of wetland health and shark egg cases as indicators of specific shark populations in Walker Bay.
- WCC involves people in meaningful nature experiences through its holiday programs for children and monthly Eco-adventures for the whole family.
- WCC hosts monthly talks at the GreenHouse Environmental Awareness and Visitor’s Centre by experts in their fields to inform the public about environmental issues.
- WCC initiates and runs campaigns and community involvement projects to convert awareness into meaningful action that promotes adoption of sustainable lifestyles.
The GreenHouse Environmental Awareness and Visitor’s Centre is the WCC’s home. The Cape Whale Coast communities and visitors are invited to access information and ongoing displays about Cape Whale Coast ecosystems, view examples of and seek advice on the practical application of green technologies, attend exhibitions, talks and film shows, and participate in eco-adventures, workshops and courses. The GreenHouse also offers to the community and visitors a range of Eco-friendly products and services at very keen prices; all funds raised contributing to the WCC’s philanthropic work in the community.