Hermanus Flower Festival

Hermanus Flower Festival

Hermanus Flower Festival is a fantastical flower festival of Fynbos & flowers and a lovely family-fun outing. Over 300 labelled specimens will be on display for you to marvel at in the beautiful surrounds of the Fernkloof Nature Reserve

Hermanus Flower Festival

Saturday 21 to Tuesday 24 September 2019; Sat to Mon: 9am – 4pm; Tues: 9am – 2pm

WHERE:  Fernkloof Nature Reserve Gardens, Fir Ave, Hermanus 34°23’55S   19°15’57E

COST:   Adults R25;  Children under 12 enter free;  Senior Citizens Entry on Monday for R10

TICKETS: Tickets can be purchased at the Fernkloof gate or purchased online on  QUICKET

The theme for this year’s Festival “Fynbos 4 U” offers the opportunity to celebrate the many ways in which fynbos adds a sense of enjoyment to our lives, be this experiencing the natural environment first hand or enjoying the products derived from fynbos. Most exiting of all, will be the central floral display in the Hall which is designed and will be constructed by the award-winning design team for the SA exhibit at the Chelsea Flower Show, Leon Kluge and Tristan Woudberg.  There will talks, demonstrations and workshops that speak to the decorative, cosmetic, medicinal, gastronomical and other ways in which we appreciate fynbos and the sale of interesting environmental items from stands in the Market Hub marquee.  Visitors will be able to interact with the Raptors and Owls from Eagle Encounters and there will also be snake-handling skills demonstrated by Hugo and Corné Uys.  Fynbos gin as a product that is all the rage will be available for tasting and with it the natural cordials of Blue Bee.  The Fynbos Café will offer delicious teas and light lunches with local wine and craft beer on the grass outside the Hall with finger-foods available for those who would prefer to eat on the move.  Make sure you visit the Festival for a fun-filled day and support the work of Hermanus Botanical Society in Fernkloof Nature reserve.

There will also be a very special display designed by Leon Kluge who will talk on
preparing the SA entry to the Chelsea Flower Show

Contact: Mary Ann: maver@mweb.co.za  

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